Monday 27 June 2016

15mm Wurttembergers

Hi guys

A largish sized Wurttemberg army finished on commission, I've painted a few Wurttemberg armies now, have to do one for myself one day, sorry for the crappy pics (all my customers say my figures are better in person than as pictures) I'm a lousy photographer and my camera is pretty crappy, anyway, I'm available for work at the email below.

Thursday 23 June 2016

15mm Forged in battle Romans

Hi guys

Haven't been posting much lately, been busy trying to clear my painting Q, I am all caught up, so if you want to place an order, its a good time to do so.

Finished these 15mm Forged in battle Republican Romans on commission, I have to say, I quite like these figures, my own Repub Roman army is made up of minifigs, they do the job, but arent half as nice as these, all comments welcome.

Monday 13 June 2016

15mm Napoleonic Spanish

Hi guys

We have 3 Spanish infantry regts, and some foot artillery finished om commission, haven't painted Spanish before and enjoyed it, very colourful, all figs are AB, the 3 infantry regts are
I° Reggimento Veneto Real
39th Regiment (Napoles)
Walloon Guard
All comments welcome.