Monday 31 October 2016

Brunswick Oels Jager plastic conversions Part 1

Hi guys

First look at my plastic Brunswick Oels Jager conversions, pretty straight forward, Perry Brit bodies (kneeling/officer are Victrix) and a range of Shako heads, dark grey are Perry Brit light Cav, light grey Victrix French, and white Victrix Austrian officers shako, and have used some Perry dismounted dragoon arms with musket trimmed to look like a rifle, then
1) added shoulder straps and pointed cuffs
2) trim lace off Brit line infantry lapels, or side buttons off rifleman lapels
3) smoothed out pack
4) added horse hair plumes
5) officers lace (not happy with that yet, need to go 1 row higher to the shoulders)

Just need to add a few details, base and will take more pics, all comments welcome.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Plastic Cacadors ready for paint

Hi guys

OK, I think these are ready for paint, Have added moustaches powder horns and re did the plumes since the last pics, I just want to add some lace to the officers cuffs then that will be it, unless any of you can see an area that is wrong or could be better, all c&c welcome, as for colours, I'm not really concerned with what unit I do, I will go for the most interesting colours, the 11th Cacadors sound good, brown uniform with red collar and sky blue cuffs, I will try to paint these dirty and faded.

Sunday 23 October 2016

plastic Cacadors WIP 2 a couple of questions

Hi guys

Wasn't happy with the results of these after taking the first pictures, so have done more work to them, I have
1) added more hair/sideburns
2) added water bottle cap and strap
3) added extra buttons to the chest lace.
4) added pointy cuffs
Again I thought these were ready foe paint, but now I'm thinking of adding a powder horn, waist belt and box on right hip (mine are armed with muskets should they have that box?) and should I re do the shako plumes? the plastic ones are to perfect, want a campaign look to these.

Friday 21 October 2016

28mm Saxon Guard Grenadiers

Hi guys

Painted these for a friend, 28mm Saxon Guard Grenadiers and Artillery, not sure who makes them, but pretty sure they are Paul Hicks sculpts, nice figures, all comments welcome.