Friday 30 June 2023

WIP Hungarian Pak 38 AT battery.

 Hi guys

Working on a Hungarian 5cm Pak38 battery, tractors and guns are printed and can be found at my shop, link below, crew are a mix of Simons Soldiers, AB and a couple of printed figs, these are only 50% finished. Prints can be obtained by email, 

My shop-

UK customers -

Tuesday 27 June 2023

If.5 Anti Aircraft wagon now available

 Hi guys

The If.5 AA wagon is now ready and available, I have included a limber (different to the limbers in the artillery limber pack) a towed trailer, a deployed trailer (with struts down and employed) levelled unmanned guns, elevated unmanned guns and a range of maned guns, horses and drivers are located separately in my shop, printed wagons can be purchased by emailing me at 

Saturday 24 June 2023

Next weeks work bench

 Hi guys 

Next weeks work bench, things are moving slowly for my personal projects, I’m going to finish the If.5 AA Wagon design, then I’m taking some time to work on finishing these for my personal projects, I managed to put some camo on my LWFD artillery batteries, 1 x 120mm and 2 x 76mm, painted some crew for the limbers, managed to start basing the Sdkfz 11s, and basecoated 2 more Hansa- Lloyds, 2 Pz IVs and 2 bridging trucks, and painted the crew for the 88, I need to rustle together the crews for the guns, so a tone of work here. 

Friday 23 June 2023

1st test print German If.5 AA wagon

 Hi guys 

Ist test print of the If.5 AA wagon went well, not ready to release yet as I plan on doing a deployed version with the support struts lowered and I’d like to do a couple of crew figures, I’ll work on that next week. 

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Pak38 now available and WIP AA wagon

 Hi guys

First test print of the Pak38 looks pretty good, so I’ll be upload to my shop, I’m also nearly finished the If.5 MG AA wagon, hopefully will be test printing that this week. I have also made an agreement with Marcher models in the UK to print my files under license for UK customers, link to their shop below. Physical prints of all my models can also be obtain by emailing me at 

My shop

Marcher models