Thursday 27 October 2022

WIP 1/72 French Renault D2 tanks

 Hi guys

Have constructed 5 modell trans modellbau D2 tanks, 3 late and 2 early, for my 1940 French, these have lovely details, there was some breakage, of some guns and fenders, however each kit has the option of either an early or late turret, so I had spare weapons, and I saved most of the broken fenders by just gluing them back on. 

There maybe an accuracy issue with the kit, you are provide 6 return rollers per kit, however every reference pic I have looked at shows 4 return rollers each side, so 8 all up, but this should be a fairly easy fix, I’ve added some pics with a Trumpeter Char B1, and Heller S35 (tan) and S-models S35 (green)  to show all the tanks I have with the same turret, the trumpeter Char B1 and modell Trans turrets are very close in detail, the Heller turret is the worst of the lot, with some shape issues, but close enough for government work, I’m really happy with these. 

Monday 24 October 2022

WIP 1/72 Ace Horch Kfz 15

 Hi guys

A mate of mine was struggling with this kit, so I gave it a go for him, was certainly a tricky little build, for anyone wanting to build this kit, I’d suggest doing some research first, there are several parts and areas that need a bit of work to fit, but with a little work it’s turned into a nice little model, this model will be Rommels 7th Pz Div ride for a wargaming force and will end up panzer grey, so just going with a basic build, no extra details. 

Monday 17 October 2022

Restarting my 1940 France project part 1

 Hi guys

I recently received a birthday present of 3 x 1/72 modell trans modellbau Renault D-2 kits, from a long time customer and friend, which has given me the incentive to restart this stalled project, here’s some pics of where I’m at, have to dust of the infantry and construct the D-2s, finish some conversion work on my 3D printed vehicles, then break out the air gun. 

Sunday 16 October 2022

WIP 15mm Aerofighters

 Hi guys

Have given No. 7 a black oil pin wash, filled in the canopy, and an acrylic clear matte sealer, already looking much better, the bare plastic look isn’t as bad, next I’ll do some decals, highlights, slight battle damage and ware n tare, then maybe another wash and sealer. The other 2 already look much better with a grey undercoat, the middle one may end up a light pastel green with yellow highlights, the other will be either cream or light grey with red highlights. I also picked up a larger buzz light year ship that I’ll paint next, it could be used for 28mm or 15mm, pictured with a 28mm fig for reference. 

Friday 14 October 2022

15mm Aero fighters

 Hi guys 

I picked these 3 Buzz light year ships up, pic with a 15mm figure for scale, I’m trying to decide how to finish them, if they all had different colours I’d probably treat them the same, trying to preserve the colours and weather them, but as they are the same/similar I’m thinking of preserving 1(probably No. 7) and re painting the other 2, because the grey colours are bare plastic with the blue/orange areas being paint, how would you go about detailing and weathering?  My list of options, any other ideas? 

1- seal the ship with a spray varnish, then add washes etc and go from there? 

2 - leave bare, use enamels or oils for washes, then seal and proceed?

Friday 7 October 2022

WIP 15mm Shadow Hawk part 3

 Hi guys 

More work done on my 15mm Shadow Hawk, 15mm crusty, and regular Battletech mech for scale, have added a pin wash and done a highlight, next some free hand details, more washes and highlights, chipping, a filter, then some oil paint streaking.