Wednesday 25 November 2020

3D Resin Printer

 Hi guys

I bought a Creality LD-002R 3D resin printer 2 months ago, it has become a whole new hobby onto itself, and wow, this thing prints very nice minis. Its very easy to get carried away and start printing all sorts of stuff, so I am limiting myself the following projects, and here are pics of the last 2 months prints.

1) 15mm 40K project, I started this 10 years ago, and got quite a lot done, but as everyting was converted it was very labour intensive, so eventually tapered off.

2) 1/72 Post apoc, this will cover everything in this genre, zombies, gaslands, fall out, anything wastland warrior 

3) 1/72 WWII vehicles and terrian.

These are the prints 15mm Blood Angels, working on the 1st (Terminator/Death company), 2nd (regular) and 10th (scout) companies along with some Titans in support.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

WIP 1/72 Wurttembergers

 Hi guys 

Have been extremely busy of late, bought myself a resin 3D printer, and have been printing my 15mm 40k project like crazy for the past 2 months, will do a post on that soon.

Here is a work in progress update on my 1/72 Wurttembergers, converted Hat figures using Green stuff, still a bit to do on them, but they are starting to look OK.