Thursday 30 November 2023

Oels Jagers WIP 3 and Portuguese Cacadores finished

 Hi guys 

Have finished the Portuguese Cacadores, and have made good progress on these Brunswick Oels jagers, a bit more painting the weathering and finishing the bases, all converted from Perry’s and Victrix plastic. 

Wednesday 29 November 2023

1805 Russians

 Hi guys

Finished up a bunch of 1805 Russians, some Italian, Württemberg artillery and French revolutionary war cav on commission, a good months work here. 

Thursday 23 November 2023

Brunswick Oels Jagers WIP1

 Hi guys

I love seeing converted figures at 3 stages, pre undercoated in all their green stuff glory, undercoated, which pulls the figures together and shows the detail ready to paint, and of course finished, here are some pics of my Oels jager sharpshooter undercoated ready for the paint brush, this will be the start of a Brunswick Sharp practice force. 

Tuesday 21 November 2023

WIP part 3 Portuguese Cacadores

 Hi guys 

Nearly finished these Cacadores, some more work on details, then finish the bases, I’ll start the Brunswick Oels jagers at the back next. These guys were fun to do, thinking of doing another group in the earlier uniform with the Belgic shako, but I have a unit of Portuguese line conversions I need to finish first.