Merry Christmas everyone
Between unwrapping gifts with the family, (I received a 3D scanner, which is going it introduce some very interesting possibilities) and cooking Christmas Dinner, I had a couple of hours to do some undercoating, so I can get some of my personal projects finished over my time off.
I’m concentrating on some Union artillery, limbers and ammunition wagons, I CAD designed an ACW ammo wagon for a well known 15mm ACW producer recently (I’ll let them make any announcements in their own time) and I used the files to print some wagons for my 1/72 ACW project, this is the first time I have painted these wagons so it’ll be interesting to see how they paint up.
The gun crew are all based on the Airfix set, I’ve left 1 crew of 4 figures unconverted for nostalgia reasons, the rest I have done various conversion on.
I have also taken pics of my growing Iron Brigade units.
Have a merry Christmas happy new year.