Saturday 13 July 2024

Pz Gren halftracks almost done.

 Hi guys

I’m so close to finishing these I can taste it, I was away on holidays for a week, got sick with Covid for another and finally got to work on them today, another session to paint a few details, do a final pastel weathering step and decorating the bases and I’ll be done (apart from adding a command figure to the Pz III battalion commanders tank, and the 39H artillery obs vehicle) 

I now have multiple projects drawing my attention for a bit of a change from the 21st Pz Div, Hungarian armour, Japanese, Soviet marines or combat engineers, Normandy Brits, 1940 BEF, so many project vining for my attention, where to go? I’ve also been forming a “Nostalgic” project in my mind, painting 1 of each pose of all the Airfix, Esci/Itsleri and Matchbox WWII sets, I have a few sets in my stash, and have just bought the Airfix and Italeri Japanese and Airfix Australians, will be a fun project I think. 

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