Wednesday 28 August 2024

15mm AB Napoleonic French Cuirassiers

 Hi guys

Some 15mm AB French cuirassiers finished on commission, dispite painting 5-6 thousand 15mm Napoleonics a year, I don’t do many posts regarding them, but there’s something about a mass of heavy cavalry that’s beautiful, so thought I would share.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Laffly V15R and Opal/Ford V3000 field kitchen

 Hi guys

I have been having a long running discussion with a friend regarding various French soft skins used by the 21st Pz Div in Normandy, much is to be speculated, but occasionally you come across pictorial evidence of 1 vehicle or another, and my friend provided this picture of a Laffly V15R being used as a command car, so I took the opportunity to make 1, the good thing about doing the 21st is I can also use some of the vehicles in my 1940 French project, so I have done 1 test print as a 21st vehicle the other as a French one. Also pictured are a Ford V3000 and Opal blitz field kitchens I made for my customers DAK project, I’ll paint a couple of these up for myself, and will show more of them then, I am redesigning those vehicles so the roof will be seperate allowing for better access to paint the stove. 

Monday 19 August 2024

Part 3 Tunisia Brit Paras

 Hi guys

These guys are ready for their undercoat, a platoon worth plus some assets, just need to add a 3inch mortar  team and some ammo guys for the vickers, I ordered a box of Revell Brit paras as I need NCOs with Sten Mk 2 or 3s, that arrived today and I added them in, I’m thinking I’ll undercoat in grey for this project.