Thursday 8 August 2024

British paras in Tunisia

 Hi guys 

I have had a North African project in mind for a long time, but couldn’t decide on El Alemein/Tobruk or Tunisia, I was involved recently in a very interesting discussion regarding British paras in North Africa, and did a little research, I knew about their involvement in North Africa and the Mediterranean, but hadn’t given much thought to their equipment and uniforms, after researching them I have decided to go with Tunisia, from the pictures I have found it seems they wore battle dress trousers (and maybe shorts from the last picture) tropical shirts, Denisons (depending on temperature) and the para helmet/beret, the unusual uniform is right up my alley, I haven’t done a good conversion project for a while, so will enjoy this.

I’m now in the process of deciding what figures I will use, I usually start with a platoon sized group for my projects, plus some support element and will do the same, I scrounged through my stash and could only find 16 plastic para helmet figures, I’m probably going to need 40-50, I have a bunch of metal AB and Simons soldier metal paras, and a couple dozen AB Chindits, so if I combine plastic and metal I probably won’t even need to buy any figures, which is handy, here are a couple of test figures, the metal is a mating of AB para head, and AB Chindit body, the plastic is Italeri para heads, Italeri 8th army torso, and Italeri British infantry legs, I still need to putty up the joins, and add a rolled Denison to the top of the packs. 

If anyone has more pictures or info on this subject, or has done similar conversions I would like to see them. 

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