Sunday 15 September 2024

Part 1, 21st recon battalion, 21st Pz Div.

 Hi guys

Now that I’ve finished the Brit paras in Tunisia project, I’m looking for my next project, and I’ve got to many choice, which has caused some procrastination, so I started printing German recon vehicles with the 21st Recon battalion or the 21st Pz Div (Normandy) in mind, still some other variants to add, I have printed to many as I fill a print bed with 1 type of vehicle, any overflow will go to other projects, I’m not sure if I’ll paint these next, I may do a Soviet project, marines or assault engineers first then come back to these. 

Part 7, Portuguese project, UN Belgian paratroopers.

Hi guys 

Part 7 of the Portuguese project, Belgian paratroopers, these are 3D printed converted conversion of Elhiems Cold War British paratroopers, I added a Vigneron SMG to the officer, removed the helmets that were placed on their hips, and created a blindicide cal 83mm, I’ll be sharing the Swedes next. 

Friday 13 September 2024

Stage 6, Portuguese African colonial wars project, Irish

 Hi guys

Stage 6 Portuguese African colonial wars project, I will be showing the various UN factions, starting with the Irish, they are equipped with a Ford Mk VI AC, the figs are 3D printed conversions of Elhiems Israelis, I have done head swaps, made a Carl Gustav and changed some poses. At some stage I’ll be printing some in 1/72 for my own Central African bush wars project 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Stage 5, Portuguese African colonial wars, Infantry

 Hi guys

Here is stage 4 of the Portuguese project, the infantry, mine rollers and quad .50 call (working on 3D printed crews for this now) finished, the figs in greens are a mix of PSP and OPVDCA, the lizard camo are Portuguese army, the figs are mostly Peter Pig, with a few 3D printed, I needed to do a few conversions, the machine gunners needed to receive M3 machine guns, I used MG42s, a few cut from WWII Germans, the rest 3D printed, and the 37mm roket launchers, I just cut away the ROG and added a length of plastic rod which I flattened on the end slightly with heat.