Hi guys, time to offer up for swap or sell (all reasonable offers considered, will break this lot up) some stuff that whilst I still like, somebody else may have a more immediate use for, when something is no longer available I will remove the post altogether or the pick of the box that is no longer available, the still available stuff will remain in the "swap" folders until they are gone.

Contact me on dan.dunbar@hotmail.com
Stuff I want
SCI Fi mechs of any scale suitable for use with 15mm
DP9 Mechs
Caesars WWII French
Trumpeters 1/72 Char B1 Bis
Hat WWII 1/72 Romanians
1/72 WWII kits and figs, will consider any, but am after early war French, Poles, Germans
1/72 WWI will consider any
15mm Sci Fi will consider any
28mm Sci Fi, Heresy, Infinity, Hasslefree, Copplestone, pig iron, GW (Nids only)
15mm WWII will consider any
15mm Fantasy
15mm post apoc will consider any
15mm Napoleonics AB, old glory, preffered but will consider any
28mm ancients and medieval will consider any
This lot is made up of 1 line inf and 1 cav (the cav is missing 4)
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