Tuesday 30 August 2011

WIP Colonist vehicle 1

Hi guys, well its time for the snow plow to get a spacey face lift, when I'm finished it will look at home on LV-426, the original had ugly thick rubber tracks, I did consider trying to to shape them into track sag, but thought I would be wasting my time, so decided to replace them with some spare plastic kit tracks, the most difficult part was I had to re position the 3 road wheels, if left they would have been to high and left a gap of about about a millimeter between the road wheel and the bottom run.


  1. you are a sick sick man, replacing tracks that is!


  2. great job, those will paint up really nicely.

  3. Nice, I am really watching this project!

  4. Nice work so far. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

  5. Thanks guys, trying to strip the paint with oven cleaner, will change the windows to clear, and pimp out the interior, add wire mesh to the windows.
