Tuesday 14 May 2024

PzIVHs with there base coats.

 Hi guys

I broke out the airbrush today to paint the PzIVs for the 22nd Pz Regt, and my Iwata airbrush wouldn’t flow air through it, something wrong with the plunger under the trigger, so I removed it to clean and oil, and being a clumsy git, I dropped it onto my wooden deck, naturally enough it fell between the planks, so I’ll have to order another one, in the mean time I took a trip to my local hobby shop, they had a couple of cheap airbrushes, so cheap they don’t even have an name on them anywhere, but funnily enough it did a pretty decent job for my first time on it.

I installed skirts on the PzIVs I had previously painted, and painted those, they don’t quite match the tanks, but after adding filters and weathering I hope they’ll look better, any colour variations I’ll put down to the skirts being added to the tanks after arriving at the unit.

I painted up a laffly S45t as a recovery vehicle, I’m going to add a berg-panzer III or IV as well, also did an old print of a Citroen traction to see how it would paint up, I have a couple of ACE kits I can replace it with, or even a better 3D print, but didn’t want to waste it, I’ll make up one of the ACE kits and compare them.

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