Thursday 6 June 2024

1st battalion, 22nd Pz Regt, 21st Pz Div finished

 Hi guys

The PzIVHs of the 3rd Coy, 1st Batt, 22nd Pz Regt, 21st Pz Div finished, pretty relieved to get these done, they were taking a little long and I was getting antsy and eager to move on, next up will be the 1st batt (mech) of  Panzer grenadier regt 125.

I’m also starting to think about doing some French tanks in German service, I want to do a battalion of French tanks, but I’m torn between doing the 2nd battalion of the 22nd which technically wasn’t present on D-Day, it was off getting its French tanks replaced by PzIVs or doing the 100th Pz training and replacement battalion, my main focus is modelling rather than gaming, here are some pros and cons, which way would you go?

2nd Battalion 22nd Pz regt - Pros = they had mostly Somua S35s which are a pretty cool tank, 1 x 39H, some PzIVHs and some PzIVCs so a bit of modelling variety, also this unit falls within the scope of the 21st Pz Div project, but really shouldn’t be present during d-day

100th Pz training and replacement battalion- pros = the mix of tanks from a modelling perspective is much cooler, a Char B1, an S35, a heap of R-35s and 39Hs and some FT17, the battalion was actually present on d-day and suffered a shellacking at the hands of US paras, but it doesn’t fall within the scope of the 21st project, the battalion was attached to the 91st air landing Div, and I don’t want to be tempted into starting a 91st project, I’m keeping my Normandy Axis projects to the 21stPz Div and the 16th Luftwaffe field division.

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